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Public Art: A Path To Safer, Stronger Neighborhoods
Art that merges with the landscape brings human presence, safety, and physical activity into the city's spaces. This kind of art triggers more than one sense: it is something you move in, touch, and, in some cases, even eat. In Detroit, a spread-out city of single-family homes that is difficult to traverse and pockmarked by vacancy, these artistic interventions are an uncommonly powerful nexus of ... posted on Nov 21 2014, 13,401 reads


7 Ideas For Compassionate Communities
Are you looking for inspiring ideas to take action on some of society's broadest and most challenging issues? From addressing homelessness to providing medical care (in exchange for a song), look no further than this list of 7 revolutionary ideas from Yes Magazine.... posted on Nov 20 2014, 19,294 reads


Riders For Health: Motorcycles That Save Lives
Solving community problems requires more than newer and better technology for the poor. It requires something more radical than that--that we rehumanize the poor. People require not only new technologies to solve some of the biggest challenges in rural health and development, they require basic technologies--like transportation for the cadres of health care workers and others. Riders for Health re... posted on Nov 19 2014, 10,524 reads


The Splendid Practice of Silence
In this beautifully grounding piece, a former monk shares insights from a year of silence and contemplation. "Deep within each of us is a great well of health, abundance, knowledge, guidance. When we enter the silence and stay in the silence, we come into direct contact with that sacred well. In that place dwells our True and Higher Self: It is that part of us that exists and operates in a place w... posted on Nov 18 2014, 37,217 reads


Healthy Habits of Heart & Mind In Leadership
As the world rapidly transforms around us each day, there is a growing need for us to create sustainable human communities. And in that vision, great leadership is paramount --leadership that not only calls for clarity of vision, but also a healthy dose of empathy that allows us to identify with, and understand, one another's situations, feelings, and motives. This article shares some healthy hab... posted on Nov 17 2014, 16,926 reads


Social Science's 10 Findings On Facebook
Social media has transformed our daily lives -- adding a brand new, and often much more complex, dimension to our interactions. And though it has facilitated the ease of our connections, there is a flip side. For example, studies have shown an inverse relationship between an individual's Facebook usage and their sense of self-worth. And, we are only just beginning to understand its true impact on ... posted on Nov 16 2014, 28,780 reads


Skipping Lunch To Feed The Hungry
For Anton Cobb, inspiration came in the form of an online article telling of a girl whose family had benefited from a local food bank. The 32-year-old salesman then decided to turn that inspiration into a simple and creative way to help raise awareness and support for the Oregon Food Bank. Each Wednesday afternoon Cobb sacrifices buying his own lunch to donate to those in need. And sitting alone a... posted on Nov 15 2014, 19,552 reads


The Dean Who Lives In A Dumpster
How much stuff do we really need to live happy, healthy lives? As people continue to scale down, living more simplistic, minimalist lives, many report feeling happier. Jeff Wilson, Environmental Science professor and Dean of Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas,is conducting an experiment to see just how little a person needs to live happily and comfortably by living in a repurposed dumpst... posted on Nov 14 2014, 33,052 reads


A Town Rallies To Make A Local Store Owner's Day
He runs a convenience store in Levittown, New York. For the past 10 years, Avi Gandhi has owned and solely operated the store -- working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, without a single sick day. He was, however, much more than a guy who punches numbers into the cash register. "He knew the names of everyone who came in, who their family was, what their disappointments were, the dreams they had. He ... posted on Nov 13 2014, 4,892 reads


10 Amazing Stories for World Kindness Day
November 13th is World Kindness Day! In honor of this, we've compiled 10 diverse and heart-warming pieces honoring extraordinary acts of kindness, love and compassion by ordinary people. These stories include bus-drivers, bakers, basketball players, canine heroes and much more...reminding us of just how universal and essential the spirit of kindness is in our world.... posted on Nov 13 2014, 227,273 reads


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You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.

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